Kailash Mansarovar sally a journey with a definite purpose-king of all pilgrimages in the entire Universe has it distinct recognition amongst Shiva believers across the Globe.

Due to tough circuit in the Tibetan Himalayan range and tiring nature of the tour only lucky few pilgrims are able to complete the yatra successfully every year and few others due to high tour cost, there is sigh of relief for all Kailash enthusiasts now you can get a subsidy of 1 Lac rupees by U.P Govt.
There is good news for all natives of Uttar Pradesh who wants to pursue this yatra or have completed the yatra in 2018-19 are now eligible to claim 1 lac subsidy facilitated by Hon’ble chief minister of Uttar Pradesh –Shri Yogi Adityanath have provided subsidy to 94 pilgrims.
Now due to financial aid provided by the govt. of Uttar Pradesh many more pilgrims can pursue the yatra which they have dreamt of in the past.
Here is a simple step by step guide how to claim your subsidy-We must admit Uttar Pradesh govt.has made the subsidy claim process hassle free and everything is just a click away everything online.
1. Pilgrims should be a native resident of Uttar Pradesh with supporting documents to prove the domicile of U.P.
2. 1 Lac subsidy amount will be given to any pilgrim who completes the yatra whether by Govt. agencies or private tour organisers/travel agencies
3. Subsidy claim to be filled online with 90 days of yatra completion through website with supporting documents like valid passport, visa, aadhar number, latest photograph, applicant digital signature, expenditure details, certificate of yatra completion, visa number, year, batch number, bank details, cancelled cheque – subsidy form can be viewed and applied from http://updharmarthkarya.in/booking/KM/Home/SubsidyForm
4. One pilgrim can only claim subsidy only once in a lifetime
5. Draw of lot will be used for providing subsidy and list of all such subsidy awardees will be displayed at Department of Religious Affairs, Uttar Pradesh
Room 46, Ground Floor, Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
Complete information and details can be viewed on official website of department of religious affairs, Govt of India.
Official website -http://updharmarthkarya.in